Agassiz Christian School was founded in 1964 by a group of parents who were deeply committed to Christian education. Over time, the people, building and curriculum have changed; however, our commitment to Christian education and the development of our children have remained constant.
Agassiz Christian School seeks to honour God as Creator, Redeemer, and Enabler. We strive to provide a quality education that is based on the Word of God. Our aim is to help each student discover and develop his/her God-given gifts so that they may honour God by serving Him, loving each other, and being stewards of His creation.
Agassiz Christian School will provide a Christ-centered, child-focused education, seeking to grow enrolment while maintaining a school size that maintains community and class size and composition that allows the needs of every student to be met.
Agassiz Christian School will maintain a Christian family focus while embracing those who are willing to uphold Christian values. Agassiz Christian will preserve its core identity as a Christian school, even as it seeks to grow enrolment and expand programs.
Agassiz Christian School will provide an educational program that integrates technology, hands-on learning, outdoor learning, and community service. Creative programming will meet the needs of families seeking unique learning experiences and community engagement.

God calls us to be people of Discovery. At ACS we encourage our students to:
- Continually explore and learn about their world
- Discover their unique gifts and capabilities
- Discover their Creator in a deeper and more meaningful way
As students discover, we want them to grow. At ACS we provide programs and facilitate opportunities for our students to:
- Grow in knowledge and ability
- Grow in self awareness and worth and in their relationships with others
- Grow in their wonder of God
Our students not only grow – they thrive! At ACS we provide our students with:
- Structure to help them flourish
- Resources to broaden their learning experience
- Encouragement to grow to be exactly who God has called them to be
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Perhaps you have a specific question on your mind. You are probably not the first! We have answers to some frequently asked questions for you here. If you still can’t find the answer you are looking for, we’d love to hear from you so we can answer it.