Now Accepting Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year!


Together with the core disciplines of English, Math, Bible, Social Studies and Science, ACS is pleased to offer additional programs and opportunities for our students to foster their educational development and personal growth.


ACS' doorways lead to our much-loved experiential playground and gardens filled with indigenous plants. Students from all grades regularly take their learning outside, discovering that every aspect of their world and the curriculum is created by God.


Immersing our children in the Arts actively engages the emotional, social, physical and expressive characters of our students.


Each week students in Grades Six and Seven engage in a hands-on learning experience that goes beyond their core subjects. These activities give students an opportunity to learn in a different way, as they begin to explore and identify their personal interests, gifts, talents and abilities. Some of the Exploratory activities include: skiing, rock climbing, baking, canning, card making, and playing board games.


On most Fridays at 8:20 a.m., ACS gathers for Chapel, our corporate time of worship. Weekly chapels are presented in a variety of formats, including: guest speakers, stories, object lessons and drama presentations. Classrooms, under the direction of their teacher, have several opportunities throughout the year to lead chapel. From choosing songs, presenting a small drama, reciting Bible memorization or leading in prayer, the students have ample opportunities to express their growing faith and develop confidence in public speaking and presentation. ACS family members are always welcome to attend.


ACS' expanded library testifies to the important role that books have in our school. Once a week, students can make a scheduled visit to the ACS library where they enjoy listening to a good read aloud and can find books to borrow or read at home. Every Spring, Grades Four to Seven students participate in The Reading Link Challenge put on by the Fraser Valley Regional Library. Students read several novels and then attend a quizzing challenge, in which they compete against other local schools to test their knowledge of what they have read.


Once a month, students are paired with an older or younger “buddy”. Together they engage in different types of activities such as: hiking, art, reading, or following the steps to an intricate origami masterpiece! The benefits of this once-a-month program can be witnessed on a daily basis on the playground and in our hallways, as students start to look out for each other and expand their relationships.


Albert Einstein wasn’t the world’s best student, but his critical thinking changed our world! Our annual Presentation of Learning gives students an opportunity to research a topic that they are passionate about. Using their critical and creative thinking skills, students develop their projects while focusing on constantly upgrading their knowledge and engaging in independent self-learning. On an alternating cycle, students can choose a scientific theme, a project that has ties to Canadian culture and history, or a topic that allows them to explore a “passion” project of their own choosing.


In addition to daily Physical Education classes, students in Grades Five to Seven participate in our Agassiz Christian Velocity sports teams, where they develop skills in preparation for secondary school athletics. ACS sports teams include: volleyball, soccer, basketball, and floor hockey. Track and field is also a highlight, as students participate in two spring meets, one with local schools, and one with other Christian schools in the Fraser Valley.


Through coding, students learn to see the world through the lens of computational thinking, decomposing problems, recognizing patterns and understanding abstract concepts. As our students work with our robots or other technology tools, they learn skills that they can use in every other part of their lives.